Tickets On Sale Now for This Year’s Collective Creative Project: A PARENT'S STRUGGLE
Written by the youth in the project for their peers, A PARENT'S STRUGGLE is a powerful and thought-provoking play that follows Audrey, a single mother in her early 40s, as she navigates a difficult week—balancing two jobs, raising three children, and facing unexpected setbacks. After losing one of her jobs due to lateness, she turns to the Thunder Bay District Social Services Administration Board (TBDSSAB) to explore her options for support and change. Along the way, she discovers resources like Ontario Works, OSAP, the Child Tax Benefit, the Child Care Registry, and more—opening the door to a new path forward.
Don’t miss this impactful story of resilience, community, and hope.
In support of the Collective Creation Project’s theme of poverty, tickets for A PARENT’S STRUGGLE will be Pay What You Want.
Performance Date: March 24th at 6:30 PM
Location: Magnus Theatre Rehearsal Studio
Community Partners
This season the Collective Creation Project is proud to partner with the Lakehead Social Planning Council and The District of Thunder Bay Social Services Administration Board. Both of these organizations provide vital support to all those affected by poverty in our community.
For more information about their services, please visit their websites via the links below.

The Collective Creation Project (CCP) is made possible thanks to the generous support of the Thunder Bay Community Foundation.

About CCP
The Collective Creation Project (CCP) is a FREE project for students in grades 9 - 12, meeting twice a week (4 hours per week)
The Collective Creation Project is an annual cooperative effort with Magnus Theatre and local high school students. With the guidance of professional theatre staff, students from across the city come together to write a play on a social issue affecting Thunder Bay. Students are involved in all aspects of the creation of the play, from writing to acting and production. Auditions are typically held in October, with writing workshops held November through to March. Rehearsals then begin in March, with public performances on our main stage in June.