Lunenburg Poster

by Norm Foster

Set in the eponymous port town in Nova Scotia, LUNENBURG tells the story of Maine resident Iris Oulette, who finds herself on the east coast of Canada visiting a newly inherited property she never knew existed. When shocking secrets come to light, Iris and her friend Natalie face a series of personal revelations and heart-warming transformations bound to tickle the belly and touch the heart.

“Norm Foster is known as Canada’s most produced playwright, and Magnus Theatre audiences really enjoy his work,” said Magnus Theatre Artistic Director Thom Currie. “The charm in his writing allows relatable themes to be explored from different angles, using humour throughout not only to entertain audiences in the moment, but to leave them with something to think about.”

Some of Foster’s work produced in recent years at Magnus Theatre include HERE ON THE FLIGHT PATH in 2017, THE LADIES FOURSOME in 2016, and STORM WARNING in 2013. LUNENBURG is directed by Thom Currie, with set design by David A. Brown and lighting design by Adam Parboosingh. Brown is a seasoned carpenter and accomplished display designer who is debuting his first professional theatre set. Parboosingh is a talented Winnipeg-based artist and University professor who most recently worked with Magnus Theatre on BUYING THE FARM in 2019, as well as numerous Theatre For Young Audiences tours throughout the years.

October 21-November 6, 2021